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History of K12 Federal Department of Education

America's system of public schools is a bedrock of the Republic.

See Financial Literacy: Problems

The history of teaching in the U.S. Timeline:
In the early decades of the 20th century, even as school districts put greater emphasis on "professionalization," teachers everywhere felt left behind. City Boards of Education, increasingly made up of business and professional men, worked to reform teaching. Often their goals were laudable: to root out corruption, to raise the practice and status of teaching, to ensure real student achievement. But they rarely had any first-hand knowledge of what teaching actually was like. They worked according to a business model, with clear hierarchies and chains of command -- which left teachers at the bottom. The "administrative progressives" (as education historian David Tyack has called them) wanted to impose uniformity and efficiency on classrooms of 50 disparate children. They supported the move away from Normal Schools to university departments of education, where theory would rule. They discouraged individual initiative by teachers, whom they considered too limited to enact worthwhile change.

Thomas Mann: The children's day had not then dawned, only the first faint streaks of light were visible above the eastern horizon. Neither Plato in his perfect republic nor Sir Thomas More in his ideal state had ever dreamed of such a thing as the American common school, where every child, the poorest as well as the richest, girl as well as boy, can claim, not as a charity, but as a right, the possession of the keys of all knowledge; and for the support of which a first mortgage is held on every cent of the accumulations of every childless millionaire.
The law of 1642, while recognizing to the full parental responsibility, suggested not only the viciousness of indolence and the educative office of labor, but just as plainly indicated the state ownership of the child and its responsibility for him.
Horace Mann had not yet formulated his three famous propositions on which the common school system of Massachusetts rests:

  • That the successive generations of men, taken collectively, constitute one great commonwealth.
  • That the property of this commonwealth is pledged for the education of all its youth up to such a point as will save them from poverty and vice, and prepare them for the adequate performance of their social and civil duties.
  • That the successive holders of this property are trustees, bound to the faithful execution of their trust by the most sacred obligations; and that embezzlement and pillage from children have not less of criminality, and more of meanness, than the same offences perpetrated against contemporaries.

Education and the Cult of Efficiency by Raymond Callahan’s 1962

The most important book for our age was written fifty years ago. It is Raymond Callahan’s Education and the Cult of Efficiency. It was published in 1962.
It describes the “efficiency movement” of the early twentieth century, when administrators developed check lists for everything that teachers do. Scan of chapter 5
Management theorist Henry Mintzberg is highly critical of Taylor’s methods. Mintzberg states that an obsession with efficiency allows measureable benefits to overshadow less quantifiable social benefits completely, and social values get left behind.” Sound familiar?
Something else from the Wikipedia article about Frederick Taylor: Taylor’s father built his wealth on mortgages.
Almost immediately after the country became acquainted with scientific management procedures, pressure began to apply them to the classroom. In July of 1911, for example, a month after Taylor’s series of articles was completed in the American Magazine, a school board member from Allegheny,Pennsylvania told the N.E.A. that the two words which were “electrifying the industrial world ­ scientific management” contained a “message” for every teacher, and near the end of his speech he indicated that if teachers did not voluntarily take steps to increase their efficiency the business world would force them to do so. As a result great energy was expended on using the availabletests and on developing new tests or scales or rating sheets or anything else that would seem to provide tangible evidence of efficiency. As one superintendent writing in 1912 put it, “the results of a few well-planned tests would carry more weight with the business man and the parent than all the psychology in the world.” GO TO

President Carter descended from immigrants from southern England (his paternal ancestor arrived in the American Colonies in 1635),[9] and his family has lived in the state of Georgia for several generations. Carter has documented ancestors who fought in the American Revolution, and he is a member of the Sons of the American Revolution. Carter's great-grandfather, Private L.B. Walker Carter (1832-1874), served in the Confederate States Army.

In 1979 The Federal Department of Education was created during President Jimmy Carter's administration and now the serious problems are made worse by simplistic reforms being pushed by self-serving corporate interests working through politicians.
Department of Education Organization Act Statement on Signing S. 210 Into Law.
October 17, 1979

There is no constitutional authority for the federal government's involvement in school curriculum, teacher qualifications or spending and studies upon studies have show that public office-holders tend to make decisions that favor those who have helped finance their elections to office.

CATO Handbook For Congress: Congress should abolish the Department of Education and return education to the state, local, or family level, as proivded by the constitution.

Get the federal government out of the education business

K12 Federal Department of Education is a Business because there is a global education race and the U.S. is experiencing the first brain drain in its history. Tsinghua and Peking Universities combined recently surpassed UC-Berkeley as the leading source of students earning U.S. PhDs.

There is a
very thin line between
an Economist
and a Criminal.

President Ronald Reagan offered a campaign promise to eliminate the newly created department and continued with the pledge in his State of the Union address.

His proposed budget was structured to dismantle the department, but it never happened. Then Conservative economist Milton Friedman schemed to allow the privatizing of public schools. The government narrative - story was "forcing them to adopt market forces would make them work better". The real goal was to break the unions, raid the commons and give the half-trillion dollars a year that America spends on education to private corporations. Friedman wanted "limited government" which simply meant removing any government oversight of corporations.
There was no on left in government to protect the interests of the people, of the commonwealth, from the endless greed of corporations. President George W. Bush's budget offered huge increases in federal education spending and his whole family made lots and lots of money.


Prison Supply Chain


The Prison Industrial Complex:
Putting Inmates to Work: 1930s - the 2010's

Factories with Fences Slave Labor that produces products the U.S. Government and private companies.

Watch THE Movie:
Casino Jack
and the
United States
of Money

Your Government is for Sale
Focus on convicted Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff, reproaching him and other legislators for their negative impact on U.S. politics, by deregulating everything so that there were no laws protecting people from the tyranny of Wall St. who then but profits into the campaign funds of congress. The movie examines the ways American policies and political processes are undermined by an endless quest for power.
By 2008, the financial landscape had become so deregulated that homeowners and small investors had few laws to help them. Congress that overturned consumer-protection laws.


Watch the movie: INSIDE JOB - Documentary about the global economic meltdown, “Inside Job,” has it right. The Truth Behind American Financial Crisis. Of the docufilms that have addressed the worldwide financial collapse this cogent, devastating synopsis is the definitive indictment of the titans who swindled America and of their pals in the federal government who enabled them. With a Ph.D. in political science from MIT, Ferguson is no knee-jerk anticapitalist. In the '90s, he and a partner created a software company and sold it to Microsoft for $133 million.




Example of a enrollment form.

Wealthy suburban high-performing public schools are successfully fighting charters with technical legal arguments. Districts show that they these for profit schools aren't needed.

2010 K12 Inc. (NYSE: LRN), Ron Packard, founder and CEO of K12 Inc. is the nation's largest provider of proprietary curriculum and online school programs for students in kindergarten through high school.

In 1999, Bill Bennett's educational venture K12, Inc. received $4M of taxpayer NCLB funding.

Bill managed to cut a deal with Governor Ridge of Pennsylvania who became the Homeland Security guy to be allowed into the state and from there secure business relationships with every other state in the United States. His for profit business has siphoned off more our common wealth from than any other virtual school and made him rich beyond imagination.

Sandy Kress, chief architect of NCLB and Neil Bush, the president's youngest brother; Harold McGraw III, textbook publisher; Bill Bennett, former Reagan education secretary;, have all cashed in on the Roundtable's successful national implementation of “outcome-based education.”
Other Kress clients
, including Texas Scam Ignite! Learning, a company headed by Neil Bush, and K12 Inc., a for- profit enterprise owned by Bill Bennett, tailored themselves to vie for NCLB dollars.

"Mores of Commerce"

Who Are The Educates?

The players
who set Policy

|FINANCIAL LITERACY| The Department of Education
is still run by the EDUCRATS

They are the Same Foundations during 1920, 1950, and now in 2010 are involved with launching the Department of Education Foundation Registry i3 funding incubators. In politics, money talks when large amounts are given to campaign funds.